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Satsop Elementary School to receive $6M

Money will go to modernize and repair historic school

The Daily World

The historic Satsop Elementary school was funded $6 million by the state of Washington’s Small District Modernization program to modernize and repair the school, constructed in 1902.

The Satsop School District serves approximately 60 students in kindergarten through sixth grade.

The school needs significant upgrades to continue to provide a safe, healthy place for students and make it easier to provide a high-quality education, according to a news release.

Satsop Elementary School contains three classrooms, a library, a multi-purpose room and an office. Many of these function as shared spaces. A team will look at possible designs to help maximize the limited interior space. Storage, restroom and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements are also items that the design team plans to explore.

“After years of managing on a tight budget, the ability to make these improvements is a dream come true,” said School Superintendent and Principal Tiffany Osgood. “Our community of families love our school, so we are relieved to be able to keep the school’s historic feel while addressing building needs and improving safety. We have partnered with Rock Project Management and they are outstanding to work with to achieve our planning goals.”

The Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) prioritized Satsop’s application highly when ranked among small districts all over the state. The state’s Small

District Modernization funding is only available to districts with fewer than 1,000 students that also do not have a sufficient tax base to cover the cost of needed upgrades. Applications for funding are ranked on how they will improve health, safety, and education.

The school district selected Rock Project Management Services, LLC, to conduct detailed planning and cost estimates, then prepare the grant application. Rock’s team of construction management experts completed OSPI’s required Building Condition Assessment and worked with the district to determine repair and modernization needs.

The school’s list of construction items includes: additional restrooms and a new sink/ wash area; related septic upgrades; improved safety of the parking and play area; playfield and site drainage improvements; ADA access to the main building; safety and security for the school campus; replace and upgrade building insulation; upgrade electrical systems; repairs to structure and foundation where needed; storage reconfiguration; address increased restroom needs including ADA access and replacement of outdated fixtures and toilets; replace exterior siding where needed; layout improvements for instructional areas; enclose the covered play to allow for separate cafeteria and gym spaces while also providing large doors for an outdoor feel; improve the food prep areas; improve heating, ventilation, and cooling; fire system safety; and lighting and acoustics.

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